Sunday, September 27, 2009

Finally a sign! [and monthly outing]

Yes that's right! Betsy is finally giving me a sign when she needs to go outside and go potty! We have some jingle bells hanging on a piece of yarn on our door to the backyard. We taught our pet dog to hit them with his nose so they ring when he needs outside. Somehow our cat learned how to do this too. We didn't teach him, he's just smart. And finally we have successfully taught Betsy to do it! Yay! The only downside...she really likes to go outside so she rings them all the time. It doesn't matter if she really needs to go potty or not. But at least she finally has a sign. Now we can say she is officially house broken! It's about time!

[Sorry no pictures of her ringing the bells]

And onto what we did today. We had our monthly GDB outing. We went to a local fire station so the dogs could be exposed to all the firemen equipment. It is essential that guide dogs are exposed to emergency equipment so they react appropriately if there is ever an accident.

Here is Betsy walking around the firetruck. Unfortunately, she was kind of afraid of the running truck. It caused her to go potty in her vest :[. But after she saw the other dogs walking around it she got excited and wanted a turn.

Betsy also got to talk to and get a treat from a fireman in full gear [including the funny sounding mask]. She reacted very well after she got some kibble from him. (I know GDB puppies aren't supposed to get treats, but this was a very special case. We couldn't have Betsy being afraid of firemen.)

Then Betsy got to jump up in the truck! Woo. She wouldn't get in by herself, but the truck had very steep stairs. She climbed up on the first one and I boosted her the rest of the way.
nd she jumped out all by herself. Improvement!

Finally we listened to the siren from a distance and then went inside to answer questions.

All in all it was a very successful outing.

[Me and Betsy]

[We also get visited by one of the newest puppies in our club, Norahbelle (a mouthful!) She is so tiny and such a sweetie!]

[Here is our club! The dogs from left to right...Ashley, Mystery, Dickens, Tim, Eve, Anthony, Betsy, Dessa, Norahbelle!]

Maddie and Betsy


Lisa and pups said...

YAY!!! I have a bell too - and when first learning - Ellie rang the bell all the time too. She's learned now though! :D

What a neat outting! Looks like fun!

Heather and Kelly said...

I have a bell for Ellie to go on to the back porch, and I wish I could have it for the front door where she goes out to potty. But we have a split-level house so there are stairs to the front door and I have a rule with my pups that no one is allowed down the stairs without permission. This is so I can still keep a good eye on them and also so they won't be tempted to go all the way downstairs where I can't see them at all.
Ellie's great at giving me a sign though, she just sits at the top of the stairs. And she has never had an accident yet so I feel a little confident:)

Erin said...

What a fun outing! I too have a bell but haven't been able to successfully teach my dogs to ring it. :((